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Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2011)

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"Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" is an extraordinary, moving, and touching film that explores the themes of grief, loss, and resilience through the eyes of a young boy named Oskar Schell. Directed by Stephen Daldry, this film takes us on an emotional journey through the city of New York as Oskar tries to make sense of his father's death in the September 11, 2001 attack on the Twin Towers.

The protagonist, masterfully portrayed by Thomas Horn, is an exceptionally intelligent and curious boy but is also affected by a form of autism. His performance is poignant and authentic, effectively conveying his sense of isolation and his desire to connect with the world around him.

The plot follows Oskar as he follows a series of puzzles and clues left behind by his deceased father (played by Tom Hanks) in an attempt to find closure regarding his father's death. During his quest, Oskar encounters a range of exceptional characters, including an elderly tenant in the apartment above his (portrayed by Max von Sydow), who communicates only through written notes.

The film offers a touching insight into how grief can manifest differently for individuals and how the healing process may require time and meaningful human connections. The soundtrack and cinematography perfectly capture the atmosphere of New York City and add depth to the overall visual experience.

"Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" is an emotionally charged journey through the deepest human emotions. It provides a sensitive perspective on resilience and the ability to face the most devastating tragedies. It is a tribute to the victims of the September 11 attacks and the people who were touched by the tragedy in various ways.

In conclusion, "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" is an exceptional film that captures the heart and soul of the viewer. With outstanding performances and a deeply touching story, this film certainly deserves to be seen and appreciated for its universal message of hope and resilience.


Here are some interesting facts about the film "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close":

  1. Book Adaptation: The film "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" is based on the novel of the same name written by Jonathan Safran Foer. The book was highly praised for its experimental prose, and the film was a much-anticipated adaptation among fans of the novel.

  2. Directed by Stephen Daldry: Director Stephen Daldry, known for other successful films like "The Hours" and "Billy Elliot," brought his artistic sensibility and directing prowess to the project, helping capture the essence of the story.

  3. Debut Actor: Thomas Horn, who portrays the protagonist Oskar Schell, landed his first major role in this film. His performance was praised by critics and earned recognition for his talent.

  4. Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock: The film boasts an all-star cast that includes Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock as Oskar's parents. Their presence in the film helped draw audience attention.

  5. Alexandre Desplat's Score: The film's score was composed by Alexandre Desplat, one of Hollywood's renowned composers. His music added an essential emotional element to the film.

  6. Awards Recognition: The film received two Oscar nominations, including Best Supporting Actor for Max von Sydow, who played the enigmatic tenant. The film also garnered a BAFTA Award nomination for Best Original Score.

  7. New York Setting: Much of the film was shot in New York, and the city itself plays a significant role in the plot. The film provides a detailed look at the city and its neighborhoods.

  8. Nonlinear Narrative: The film employs a nonlinear narrative, alternating between the present and the past, to explore the grief and growth of young Oskar. This narrative approach adds complexity to the story.

  9. Elements of Jewish Culture: The film's story incorporates elements of Jewish culture, including a series of puzzles that connect to Oskar's Jewish heritage.

  10. Universal Message: Despite its roots in the tragedy of September 11th, "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" addresses universal themes such as grief, hope, and the strength of family love, making the film meaningful to a broad audience.

Similar Movies

Here is a list of movies similar to "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close":

  1. “Forrest Gump” (1994) – Un’altra storia toccante che segue le vicende di un personaggio straordinario attraverso eventi storici.

  2. “Hugo Cabret” (2011) – Un film diretto da Martin Scorsese che segue le avventure di un giovane orfano in una Parigi magica.

  3. “Il Curioso Caso di Benjamin Button” (2008) – Una storia insolita di un uomo che invecchia all’indietro, con ambientazioni storiche.

  4. “Il Favoloso Mondo di Amélie” (2001) – Una commovente storia ambientata a Parigi, che segue le vicende di una giovane donna che cerca di migliorare la vita delle persone intorno a lei.

  5. “La Teoria del Tutto” (2014) – Un film biografico basato sulla vita del fisico Stephen Hawking, che affronta sfide simili a quelle del protagonista di “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close”.

  6. “A Single Man” (2009) – Un film che esplora il tema del lutto e della solitudine, con una performance straordinaria di Colin Firth.

  7. “La Vita di Pi” (2012) – Una storia di sopravvivenza che coinvolge un giovane naufrago e una tigre in mezzo all’oceano.

  8. "The Best Offer" (2013) - An intriguing psychological drama following the story of an art expert who discovers a mystery in the world of art auctions.

  9. “Ragione e Sentimento” (1995) – Un adattamento cinematografico del romanzo di Jane Austen, che esplora temi di amore, perdita e crescita personale.

I hope this list helps you discover other films you might enjoy if you loved "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close."

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